A personal loan that’s ideal if you need a bit extra to finance a car, buy that house or even further your education. If you’ve been a Gulf Union Financial Services account holder for at least six months and need an unsecured loan for personal use, this is the one for you. Whether you want some extra cash for a holiday, education, car or even a house, a Gulf Union Financial Services Direct Loan can help you to finance it fast and effectively.
With this loan we sign a contract with your company to lend money to you, the employee, which then gets deducted off your salary. The Scheme Loan is available to government institutions and private companies, and allows you to sign an agreement with Gulf Union Financial Services to offer your staff company loans. It’s convenient, easy to arrange and completely hassle-free as banking is brought to an employee’s doorstep.
An overdraft limit is marked on your salaried account so you can cover those unforeseen expenses. Let the Gulf Union Financial Services Employee Salary Overdraft give you the peace of mind you need. We’ll put a credit limit on your salaried account so that you can draw extra funds when you need to.
A loan product designed to support parents, guardians and individuals at various levels of education to settle their school fees. This loan supports parents, guardians and individuals at various levels of education to settle school fees. It is available to existing and new salaried customers who have been banking with us for at least a month.
Hassle-free application processes and quick approval times.
Affordable loan insurance with a Gulf Union Financial Services Direct Loan.
Fixed interest rates available on some loans.
Secured and unsecured borrowing options.
Flexible repayment options based on your other financial obligations.
Advanced support for you to manage your loan more easily.